Set-up instructions

Viewing the data


Enable Sensotrend Dashboard to view your data.

To access the application, press “View data!” button (1).

View your data
You should now have a view like this.
AGP report

At this point, it’s a good idea to go and give your care team permission to view your data.

To do this, your care team has sent you a request to view your information. You can see the requests by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the view (1) and selecting “Sharing” (2).
Data sharing

When you click on the “Allow” button (1) in the data sharing request sent by your care team,

your care team will be given permission to use your data as part of your treatment.
Data sharing


You have successfully started using Sensotrend services!

Instructions for viewing and utilizing the data stored in the Kanta PHR can be found from here.

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